Saturday, June 12, 2010

Garage Sale Finds! For Saturday June 13

Those that know me know that I LOVE garage sales. I mean L-O-V-E them. You never know what you might find there.

Yesterday I headed out, knowing about 3 neighborhood garage sales. Four kids in tow. They now love garage sales also! I have converted them. We spot garage sale signs like most people spot "punch buggys!"

My favorite thing to find are decorations that I can repaint or repurpose and use in my home. So, here is what I found this week.

Globe-$1. Have you priced globes lately? Wow. They are very pricey.

Brand new, with tags still on, craft tote. We are going to use this to gather out crafting supplies and then have something we can simply bring to the kitchen table, rather than hunt for glue, scissors, colored pencils, and markers. This way they are all together. My price? $5.

Almost new pink Lands End crocks for my youngest daughter, $1.

Memory/photo board. My second oldest bought this with her own money to hang above her bed. $3.

White bathrood cabinet. I am going to repaint this to match the kids jungle theme. I have been pricing these out but the ones I really liked were $80-100, how much did I pay for this? $3.

Two pairs of pj's like new for my youngest daughter, $1 each.

Pair of play shorts for my son, 25 cents.

Table trivet that rotates, my mom bought one of these a few years ago at a craft show, she paid $20-30 dollars for hers, what did I pay? $1.

You can't really tell, but my three girls used their own money to buy these bags that zip up to make a small pouch and came with a change purse. They were brand new, the girl had brought them back from China. $5.

6 name brand shirts (Gymboree, Nautica, Cleveland Cavaliers, Gap, etc.) for my son. Ranging from $1 a piece to 20 cents a piece.

1 pair of like new jeans for my son, 25 cents.

Dress $1, purchased by my second oldest daughter.

Nike long sleeve t-shirt for my son, $1.

Adorable picture for my sons room. It is navy blue and has baseball like stitching in red on the frame, the background is green and has 4 magnetic images that can be moved around and 3 hooks on the bottom for jackets and hats. $2.

White sweater for me, brand new with tags, from the Limited, $1.

And our deal of the day, my oldest daughter and I split the cost of these little gems. I have already read them all, but I borrowed them. Now we own our own set. The entire collection of Twilight books, $12. And worth every penny.

For my son, a like new basketball hoop, $5.

I am going back this morning to see if they still have a jogging stoller that I loved but didn't have room in my van for. Yes, I am addicted to garage sales.

So, have I converted anyone yet?

This post is linked to Super Saver Saturday.

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